Thursday, October 22, 2015

Mrs. McLoon and the Werewolf

The witch Mrs. McLoon
harbors a grudge
She dislikes her neighbor
he’s such a drudge
Mrs. McLoon decided
to change Sid one day
She had had enough
going to make him pay
Mrs. McLoon was to get even
so you know what she did?
Decided to turn him into a werewolf,
this poor fellow Sid
She mixed a concoction,
a potion so stellar
Meaning to turn Sid
into a wolf fella
She planned a big, wild werewolf
to howl at the moon
Oh, she was bad,
that savage Mrs. McLoon
Something went awry
with that particular spell
Sid was no werewolf
out haunting the dell
Instead with that potion
he transformed true to task
Sid then became
the green guy from Mask
He hyped up and he ran
and he painted the town
The old Sid we once knew
became quite the clown
He captured Cameron Diaz
and zip in a flash
He was robbing banks, tackling gangstas
and spending the cash!
Mrs. McLoon was befuddled
no wolf fella was he
So we watched her late night
as she brewed special tea
Sid seemed pretty happy
more popular now in green
And townspeople prefer
no werewolves to be seen

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