There is a well known tiny elf
that we shall call a sprite
to avoid the little intracacies
known as copyright
This little brownie, I am told,
is quite the controversy
He takes up residence in your house
and reports what he does see
The precocious, self-important little gnome
crashes the party, takes over your home
He sits precisely on a ledge observing moments
when he has a story, to Santa then he vents
Telling tales on Cindy Lou, Bobby and
little Andy Dole
That mean, small gnome ruins Xmas eve
as they all get coal
The sprite’s actions have been much maligned
hanging out on that sill…
those threats and tattling touted now as bad
parenting skill
The gnome catches children in their weakest time
a little slip up there
like tattling, yelling, copying
and a small evil stare
All the while, he’s boss of the house
and he did replace
all the family framed photos
with his impish face!
He even caused a 911 call, an accident for fear
when a little girl knocked him down
thinking Xmas might disappear
He ran copies of his image from the
home computer one day
and stuck one right in the center of
granny’s Xmas tray
He dressed in Barbie’s clothing
missing a few moments on the sill
I thought about a candy infraction,
just a few to steal…
We aren’t talking Herself the Elf, but indeed
something more sinister
and if you’re asking me,
he’s one little mean mister
After the holidays, he will make haste to go
back to the Toy Shop in the great
Land of the Snow
Next year, it would be fine
if the Imp on the Ledge would pass us
and take up next door with the family Bore
and their doberman named Lazarus

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