It has been quite some time now since I have harped on crazy criminals. Sadly, there are many still loose among us. I have a few stories to prove this rather unpleasant fact. In local news recently, a man who was apparently suffering from substance overload broke into another man’s house while the homeowner was sleeping, causing the homeowner to wake up terrified and unhappy. This is completely understandable. The burglar then held the no-longer-sleepy-homeowner hostage all night.
The next day, he made the homeowner take his valuables outside into the back yard. During this fun and engaging process, the hostage-taking burglar grabbed a gun and began shooting it into the air screaming that he was at war with supernatural dark powers. This immediately caused the freaked-out homeowner to disregard the gaping jaws of his neighbor’s two pit bulls and jump over into the other yard in hopes of finding someone with a phone. Luckily for him, he did find a person with a phone that wasn’t a teenager because if all he found were teenagers, they would never have gotten off their phones long enough to call the police. Police arrived and they were able to assist the crazed burglar with his personal struggle against the dark forces by firmly placing him into a secure jail cell.
Now while the first episode could be adequately labelled bizarre, there is another one that might actually top that. This crazy burglary incident involved two neighbors. One neighbor dude broke into the other neighbor’s house when they were at work. I don’t know why the crazy-neighbor-who-breaks-into-other-people’s-houses wasn’t at work, perhaps this was the reason he felt he needed to pursue this option. So this guy breaks into his neighbor’s house and takes some valuable items. Then for some unknown reason, when the newly burglarized victims arrive home to discover that things are amiss, who should come running You-whooing through the back gate? Of course, none other than crazy neighbor next door who tells them, and I’m not kidding:
“Hey! I think someone broke in your house, and guess what? They broke in my house too, and they put your stuff all in my house!”
“Unh? Let’s get this straight, burglars broke in, took our stuff then put it in your house? Dorothy call the cops!”
“No, no, no need to call the cops, you can just come over and get your stuff, I don’t know why they did it!”
Then pretty much the same scenario happened, the police show up, arrest the crazy neighbor who steals things then runs outside with some weird story and take him away. The trouble is that someday, he will return….I would like to say that these two stories are the weird fiction that presents itself from the recesses of my mind, but no, they are factual occurrences. Don’t forget to lock up when you leave.

The Prism Light
In the prism
I see
refracting light
an ephiphany
of captured color
I am at once
imbued with hope
the lilting rays
glistening melody
a plethora of sparkles
shimmering shadows
embrace the spirit
capture the moment
mark the measure
create murmurous
melting patterns
vibrant, dancing rays
the prism light
an enchanting sight

Thanksgiving, Bad Luck, Black Cats
Thanksgiving got off to a rough start this year. I awoke the day before with strep throat. This was a bit of a bummer, as I had to immediately cancel my Thanksgiving plans where I could be calm and relax watching my daughter meticulously modify a slippery, hard to handle turkey into an extraordinary roasted fowl. She doesn’t get those skills from me. In spite of the sickness mishap, I believe I still have much to be thankful for:
1. I am thankful for antibiotics.
2. I am thankful the doctor’s office was open.
3. I am thankful for chicken soup, not for the soul, but the kind in the can.
4. I am thankful for the microwave.
5. I am thankful for the Rock Guy who uses the microwave well.
6. I would be thankful for the monsoon that occurred the day after Thanksgiving, but it is going to make it very hard to get to the grocery store without a boat.
7. I am thankful for lots of infomercials to watch while I’m stranded on the sofa.
8. I am not thankful for 500 football games that have to be aired on TV.
The second thing that marred my would-be Thanksgiving holiday was my cat, Gene, who is a kleptomaniac. No seriously, it is like he has hands and a mission. He takes things. It is some sort of a compulsion, and he just can’t help himself. He took my best eyeshadow brush. After washing my makeup brushes, I set them on a paper towel on the countertop to dry. Then I went to sleep, and then Mr. Klepto makes his nightly rounds, and he just couldn’t resist. The next day, my Bdellium Tools 787 blending eye brush was nowhere to be found! I have searched the house high and low, and it has completely vanished. Little mister is not copping to it. Now I will have to walk around with unblended eyeshadow, but at least I will feel good while I’m doing it. I guess I will just be like Scarlett in Gone with the Wind (which was just on TV, by the way) and think about it tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, just look at him, he looks so cute and innocent now doesn’t he?

Angry Girl
Girl with the
you-can’t-make-me swagger
muttering defiances
from a sour tongue
a mouth formed to mask
a handful of toughness
to cover
your shattered shell
a sieve
where self esteem
flows through and
trying to find a measure
of escape
while you linger in your loudness
plot, flame and fume
try to engage
construct a battle
bereft of plan
bereft of reason
engulfed in that
angry moment

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