I have always been a literature fan and an avid reader. I started writing poetry when I was in junior high school then short stories when I was in high school. In college, I discovered a treasure trove of works by amazing literary masters, plus I had to read them because they were assigned and I had to pass in order to move on to the next level. Much like a video game today. I loved some of the great wonders of literature, and the others, well they expanded my mind. I have even come to appreciate T.S. Eliot’s: The Wasteland as an English professor told me that I would (at that time, in the 1980s I was busy appreciating Duran Duran, and thought she must be out of her mind). Although I have to admit, the line in the poem about “showing fear in a handful of dust” did stick with me, and it seems really current at the moment. I am now about twenty years behind on my reading, but I plan to catch up.
I always had good intentions of writing The Great American Novel, but life and making a living got in the way, as it sometimes does plus: sports, teenagers, dinner, laundry, mowing the grass, and writing papers about the history of print, which I think might have put that professor to sleep too.
When I’m not working at my job in public information, I am busy dissecting who has the upper hand on Beverly Hills Housewives or Mob Wives, or at least attempting to determine who has the best eyeliner, and solving the invariable differences that arise among several moody felines that live with me (much like the wives’ shows). Otherwise, I might be shopping at the local mall, pretending that it has a Macy’s and that chocolate is really not caloric, and the wind really can’t be blowing 50 mph again.
I love all types of foods, Italian, Mexican, German, and basically anything that I don’t have to cook. I have traveled some, but not enough, or at least recently not far enough away from my teenager or my mother. I had an e-book on Amazon Kindle, and sold five copies including the one to my mother, who doesn’t have a Kindle, and four other relatives who I don’t think have Kindles either. Although there is an App.
I think the big e-book secret is having a good book cover or telling people how to increase their productivity. If you have an amazing cover, readers just might be intrigued or otherwise ensnared to buy one. I’m not sure, but a great deal of advice is out there on creating the ultimate e-book, promoting a blog, stop procrastinating, making zillions of dollars and dissing your boss. People might want to think a little bit before that last one. Those are good aspirations to have, along with some night getting at least eight hours of sleep and finding the perfect nail polish color for your toes. Thanks for stopping by…now maybe go out and make the world a better place…one person at a time...
Hi, how are you and your family over there? Can I steal your smile for a minute? I'm Paul, honestly, I got your beautiful look while I was here and I asked for a friendly moment from you. If you can save me a minute of your time write me in a short email,Paulsuebarry42@gmail.com and add me to the Hangout. I will be very happy to see your nice friendly words. I am divorced with two daughters