Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Animeaux

The amazing, iridescent
never to be caged
ever free he does go
He soars like a gull
and will never be dull
He's precocious
creates a fuss
when he catches the bus
He springs like a cat
and never gets fat
He listens like a dog
stays out of the bog
Where the willie wiley
creatures gather
He really would rather
Skate on the beach
remain out of reach
Quite a creature
he is
definitely a whiz
He moos like a cow
then takes a brisk bow
He arrives too late
but never misses a date
Being quiet
but misplacing his things
he moves about
as if made of springs
He howls like a jackal
and dreams like a bird
and of cupcakes three,
he's on the third
He does always put on
a super show
the incredible
but not edible...
Happy Seussical Wednesday!


PowerPoint Ted

In light of all the things
there are to dread
meet PowerPoint Ted
He's a Power Talker,
a real Word Rocker
Who likes turning
his back on folks
And clicking that
small remote
We watch him like an
Army of the Dead
Charts, graphs, symbols
and the sales stats of Ted
To say it mildly,
he's more than a bore
And surely doesn't understand
that less is more
Can you spell repetitious
Ted the Obnoxious Officious?
We attempt to connect
take away then dissect
Ted's bullet points
are rambling
Our next career
may be in gambling
Information overload,
Ted's in way too deep
PowerPoint goes on and on
making us hostages weep
Then there's a SNAP
and Beth's on her feet
Grabs Ted by the throat
and he's white as a sheet!
We rebound from our coma
and try to reach Beth
As PowerPoint Ted
comes so close to death

Old Dogs

And farewell.../
He was big and white, a lover of a soft bed
With my fingers tight, I stroked his large head
White as snow and kind as a dove
Taught us about life and unconditional love
Running amok in a bed of snow flowers
Clamoring to come inside during May showers
His clumsy feet became slow
And there were fewer places he wished to go
With soft brown eyes, his head turned to me
Going to navigate a path I could not see
Through that valley we walked
And for the last time, I talked
To calm the unknown, his fear of the end
Calling on special ones to wait there for my friend
In the midst of that sad, shady summer time
Head bowed in sorrow for that upward climb
That night I dreamed
in peaceful sleep
of shady summer time
of old dogs and children
and watermelon wine”
--Tom T. Hall

Monday, July 20, 2015

Racing with the Emus

 It's almost August, that particularly heated, dreaded time of the year when this little town invites everybody to come and share our misery dealing with said heat and the wind. We do this in the form of a bike race...100 the unforgiving Texas sun. And it's fun, gosh darn it! All these earnest, sweating bicyclists challenging themselves, attaining a personal best and overcoming obstacles. One obstacle to this mighty race that I have just discovered is, of all things, emus. Yes those big birds with brown feathers who can't fly, but boy can they run. Apparently those cyclists, outfitted in their colorful second skin, brightly attired, attract these large, curious but bored birds who are navigating the outskirts of town, maybe hold up on a ranch somewhere and tired of the run of the mill cows, coyotes and people running around with those water sticks vainly searching for underground streams. Yes apparently the cyclists have piqued their interest. Maybe the emus want a chance to outdo them.
I can only imagine the fear when these vibrant cyclists, suffering from heat stroke look up to see Big Bird barreling down upon them, giant sprawling feet, little head with beady eyes, and that piercing beak agape... and then “Oh Snap!” and a loud scream. If the cyclists are lucky, then there is just one emu, okay maybe unlucky if that particular emu likes the color red they happen to be wearing. Hopefully the sweltering bikers haven't encountered a whole flock on the road, then they might suffer from worse than a little nip.

Some interesting emu facts include:

  • Females are in charge, they make the males hatch and care for the babies.
  • Did I mention they are curious?
  • They have “strongly clawed” feed that can rip metal wire fences (how fast can you pedal?)
  • They can go 50 km/h which is described otherwise as a “fast, economical trot.

Does anybody happen to know why we have this little bit of Australia in Texas?..oh well, happy racing folks!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Welcome to the Jungle, Baby! Chronicles of Greg

“You know, you go in that room
and turn up that Lord Zeppelin and when you come out, you're crazy, can't even talk to you!”
- – Doris Floyd 1978
It was 1986 when Greg Taylor decided life was limited in small town. After all, he had thoroughly blasted it with the great rock 'n roll back in the 70s, and there just wasn’t much more to do, at least there. He had the hair – check, mastered the guitar – check, saved some money….well ok, not saved any real money, but he had $350 and that would at least get him there. Jobs should be plentiful, right? So with a feeling of both exuberance and a tinge of sadness – he went down to finally announce to his grandmother, Doris, his intentions.
You know Buba, I think I’m ready now,” said Greg.
Oh are you sure?” she asked staring at his walnut-stained hands. He had been earning money by sanding and refinishing her furniture when she decided that painted furniture was so 1950s, and it was time to get real again in the 1980s with Walnut Stain #253.
What?” asked Greg, looking at his fingers. “It’s like, all over me and a few shirts too.”
Doris smiled. She never intended to make this easy for him. Really, he had no business in California. She knew what went on there; she had spent some time examining that Robert Plant poster in his room, the one with the shirt open. She knew that lifestyle was no way to live.
I have some oil that might take it off,” she said. “It’s made by Nivea.”
I don’t want to smell funny,” said Greg thinking he sure didn’t want to spend his last few days in town smelling nice and fragrant like Buba.
Now what will you do out there?” asked his grandmother for the umpteenth time.
Greg took a deep breath and smiled. “I’ll go out and get a job, I bet they have people who are building out there. It’ll be fine,” he said.
But you don’t know anyone, not a soul,” she said.
It’s ok, other people have done it, it works out,” said Greg.
That music…it’s so….so loud,” said Doris.
Greg laughed. Buba was no Motley Crue fan, more like Elvis, early Elvis, throw in some Bobby Darin.
It’s supposed to be,” he said.
Grandparents vs. Greg. First the hair: cut it…cut it…cut it.
His grandfather, cowboy hat and all,summed it up standing in his white shirt in the hot sun:
When in Rome, do like the Romans!”
Ha Ha, who cared, it was only a small simile. How could he possibly explain to Buba that he hadn’t been the same since Eddie played the Cotton Bowl?
Don’t worry Buba,” he smiled and touched her shoulder....
This is an excerpt from my Greg Taylor Chronicles. If you like rock music in the style of Aerosmith, Motley Crue, Led Zeppelin, you can find out more about James Craig Paylor at the links below. One fan/YouTube reviewer said, “The best guitarist I've seen outside Van Halen.” Those are certainly some big words, but I have to say, I agree. Original rock music at its finest...emphasis on original!
Find James Craig Paylor/Hell On Wheels at:
And welcome to the jungle, baby!!

The Anonymous

Walter J. Rogers walked out of Human Resources carrying a plastic street sign with ROGERS printed on it. He had spent 35 years working for the streets department, and he had been given the “opportunity” to retire although doing so had not crossed his mind. He caught me in my normal hustle off to lunch, errands, wrestling with text, emails, my jewelry display ideas at the shop and reprimanding a snippy teenager. All these things were vying like warring soldiers for my attention.
“You know,” Walter says to me as I'm walking faster, trying to outpace him. “They don't do parties anymore. It's not in the budget.”
He had me at no party. I stopped and turned toward him.
“They don't? That's really a shame. Hey your sign there, its a killer!”
He smiled. So proud of a plastic sign in exchange for 35 years. Thirty-five years of getting up, going out in all kinds of weather in all parts of the city, day, night and at way less than anybody should have to work for.
“ you have the time for some fishing?” I sounded like a lame brain.
His face clouded over for a moment, and he said, “You know, I was never much of a fisherman myself.”
Oh well, there are lots of neat activities to do. The Senior Citizens Center here is great, I hear.”
“Yeah, I reckon I'll find something to stay out of trouble....” his voice trailed off.
I didn't know what else to say. What do you say to someone who is “let go” because all of a sudden they have X amount of years, are too maxed out on the pay scale, expensive to insure, and aren't as quick as they were?
Walter turned to go.
“Thank you,” I said. He looked back at me. “Thank you for your hard work everyday for people who don't even know who they should thank. Thank you for being someone who cares about this city and for making those roads a little better to get down.”
Walter nodded and tipped his plastic sign at me.
Then I too was off and running, racing against the clock, making my own mark on anonymity.
No one knows who cleans the floors
wipes the counter, and shuts the doors
No one knows who clips the rose,
cuts the grass and moves the hose
No one knows who does the dishes
and stands idly by with empty wishes
No one knows who makes silk flowers
slowly winding away the hours
Where then lies the silver key
leading from anonymity?

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Heat is Gonna Kill Me

The summer heat in Texas
is not for the faint of heart
The sun climbs high
early on and beats
relentlessly all day
the mercury soars
into the stratosphere
I walk in the tree shadows
on the street
trying to escape
that blistering sun
cowboy ranchers
come to town
and say
It's hot as farrr
Melted in my memory
I hear my grandmother
calling me
Get in here, you are gonna burn up!
and inside - blinds shut
cool air
and sweet tea.
I remember long ago before
playing outside
sun beating down
on my grandfather's farm
walking through
that bleached sand
burning my feet, frying my toes
finally making it to the grape arbor....
I've seen northern folks
cringe and exclaim
Is it always this hot in this place?
I have seen some
from the deep south
Mercy, this is unreal!
well go find yourself
a magnolia tree
we've got 'em here too
perhaps a tall lemonade
It's not even that hot yet
August awaits like a golden promise
Heat Advisory
rolls across the TV screen
and from the distance
I'm digging in the flower bed
mining cannas and mondo grass
like I'm searching for a gold amulet
to reflect back onto the sun
and my once-native spouse says
You're going to have a heat stroke out there
and I very well may

but not today.

Friday, July 10, 2015


The brilliant western sun
in glorious burnt orange fury
is headed out to pasture

Making room for
a seamless starry night
for those clear, incandescent lights
to illuminate
a century of
waiting ruins

Tame at last
the scattered sun rays
make their last stand

The whippoorwill sings
of a vast, aching loneliness

In the glimmering, glowing sunset
skies fade to rust
evening birds take flight
ripened wheat sways
in wild gyration

Somewhere walking
in deep distant dust
footprints left for a moment

The countryside echoes silence
faded flowers dream
the prairie,
a land slung low

the history screams

That Seventies Girl

Flashback sees
her standing there
hazel eyes and golden hair
Hanging out,
sun in her eyes
Look now at
how time flies
Earth tone colors
wallpaper of fern
halter tops, cutoffs,
amazing sunburn
Highway stretched out
far away
it seemed
Not mastering
one smidgen
of all that was dreamed
Lazy lake,
one red light
Boones Farm wine
blistering look back
one more time
Southern rock,
mood rings
willows branches low
Stretching out
in the distance
a long way to go
World spins around
the era is lost in a whirl
Time warps, time wraps

and finds the 70s girl...

Friday, July 3, 2015

And They Came

This is what happens when the funny girl tries to write Apocalytic-Science Fiction-Horror... it turns out, well just a little bit funny. Why is that? Well I just don't know. There are fiction sites on the Internet that may be new to some people. These are and Fiction I have started placing short stories on both sites. You can register to read stories on Wattpad for free, and for a small fee on Fiction Arcade. For writers out there, you can also post stories for free on Wattpad, and although they say its free at Fiction Arcade, it still cost me $5 to create an account.

I thought I would do something a bit different a story when I wrote : And They Came, it's all about a city that runs out of water because of Alien Water Vampires... (I know, ha ha). Of course all of you young folks, that grew up and didn't listen to 80s music, and don't know who Devo is will miss the joke, unless you look them up first :))
So here's an excerpt:

When the water first started disappearing, people didn't think much about it. Thought it all had to do with the Great Drought. We didn't know it was them. They came from another world into ours.....

We were outside when my friend Leila showed up. “Can I stay?” she asked in a thin voice. I loved her like a sister. She was so beautiful. Leila had been an SMU cheerleader back in the day...

“How are the nights out here?” she asked.
“They have not come yet,” I answered. But the other day, Cloud Walker had felt eyes watching him in the woods, red, haunted, dried eyes.....
Something hit the window. We jumped up.
The one that seems to be the Leader, the one with razor eyes. His name is Devo,” said Leila.
“Like the rock band? How do you know they have names? They are creatures?”

Why had I let Leila go? Why had she sacrificed herself?
I opened the door.

“I hear they call you Devo. Well Whip It!” I said....

Chronicles 2008

Wrap up Year 2008 or the “Christmas Chronicles”
I had fully intended to keep a journal for this year down to meticulous details. In January my best friend was the thermostat, and during bad weather I have more time to tune into the real news (Hollywood, of course). And gentle readers, if you remember, January was a troubling time for Miss Hit Me Once Again-Britney Spears. What was with Britney speaking with a British accent, hooking up with a dark, mysterious paparazzi boyfriend and shopping for a Mercedes in a chopped off wedding dress? Who could have had bigger problems than this? Not me, I’m glad to say. So I turned up the thermostat, watched Britney’s escapades, and pondered Kateee Holmes new short haircut.

Dry but cold in beautiful north Texas. Even T. Boone Pickens can’t make it rain here, although he can harvest the wind for profit. Britney was going about the business of club hopping, running over photographers in her Mercedes, and just in general making a big fool of herself. Then her dad moved in just after he cut things off with his former girl friend and his love child, NO WAIT, that was LindSAY LoHan's dad? Does anyone know….is this the same person? No matter, in the world of celebrity. This was like an episode of House Rehab. I kept the faith for Britney though.
In real life, Bill Clinton came here to campaign for Hillary who had said she wasn’t going to run for president, but then did that anyway. I stood in a short line to get inside, listened to his speech which was quite inspiring, shook his hand and went back home to see what new things Britney was into and what the state of the country really was.

Oh glorious month, it signals an almost end to cold weather save that sometimes zippy breeze coming out of the north. I was in charge of a little Miss Hayley, a slightly spoiled blonde girl who was due to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. She also stayed with me for Spring Break during the recuperation period. The good news was that Hayley could breathe better; the bad news was that she was in a perpetually bad mood.
Me: “Hayley how about some delicious chicken stars soup for lunch?”
Hayley: “NO!!!!”
Me: “Come on, let’s look at it, doesn’t it look good?”
Hayley: “Eww, what are those?”
Me: “Those are the little tiny stars, made out of rice, I guess.”
Hayley: “NoOOOO!”
Me: “How about some creamed potatoes?”
Hayley: “I want ice cream!!!”
Me: “But you have eaten ice cream for three days.”
Hayley: “I don’t care!!!”
Actually, I have learned a few things having Hayley around at meal times. One of my biggest discoveries has been the little mandarin oranges in the cups that are quite wonderful chilled in the frig. She got me hooked on those for awhile.
My neighbors left for Cancun, and I got to weed the flower beds and wash the windows. I just love spring cleaning (they probably weren’t having any fun in paradise, anyway.)

I enjoyed this month, butterflies, tulips, greener grass, and phone conferences with the teacher (Junior is a BAD boy!!!). In an effort to get even, I decide to confiscate the little sullen slacker’s video game controller.
It was soccer season. My year generally passed according to whatever sport is played at the time. Soccer games are fun, but they are generally early Saturday morning when the north wind is blowing like giant shop fan. Junior played goalie which, as I understand, is the next best thing to having a position where you can push everyone else around or just run them over.
Bad News: a water pipe sprang a leak in the sprinkler system.
Worse News: Pergosi, the sometimes landscaping plumber cut a hole in the gas line while fixing the sprinkler. It went something like this:
Pergosi: Escuse me Meez.
Me: Yes Pergosi?
Pergosi: Can jou come uh da here?
Me (frowning because that is never a good sign, gentle readers): “Sure.”
Pergosi: “Jou see de line running a here? Jou see de other line a running dhair? I uh cutta dis line cauz I couldn’t a really see eet. Eet was a duh gas line.”
Me: “Oh?”
Pergosi: “Jes, so uh, Ima gonna haf a go, but uh jou need to call uh da gasz company to turna off de gas. I weel hafa come back to fix a da line. Okay?”
Me: “Certainly.” Good to have lots of Advil on hand.
Note: One WEEK later Pergosi returns. He fixes the leak, but cuts off water to half of the sprinkler system and most of the grass died during the summer.

It looks like Hillary got in the way of a steamroller named Barrack Obama. The idea that school will soon be out appears in the corner of my brain. Our geography bee makes it to the final round where Junior sinks on a question involving former president Carter. He sinks his team too. Apparently the geography bee isn’t just geography. He did know; however, where those darned peanuts came from. Anyway, before you know it, May is wrapped up and it is goodbye forever to BF Elementary and off to junior high where kids develop technical skills to navigate the Internet world of My Space that they fill with lies and deceit, learn to speak in abbreviations, dress like the uncouth, and run their words altogether, all the while never cracking a book. Such an exciting developing time for all of us. Plus Hayley’s coming for the summer.

June is always a pretty good month because it isn’t as hot as July and August (although our grass was beginning to look a little sick). Hayley and Junior settle into a routine of screaming fights. This can be quite entertaining; it’s like an episode of Survival of the Fittest. I am beginning to regret not budgeting more money for summer camps, and resolve to search those out well ahead of deadlines for the following year. My daughter’s nasty divorce is finally over, so I have freed up a bit more of my time from having to stalk her former in-laws. I can use that time to mow the grass, provided it decides to grow. At the end of the month I notice a disturbing green monster in the fish pond, and I knew right then, the remainder of the summer would be spent fighting a war against algae, which might look good if it were growing on the lawn.

Hayley and Junior made it through part of the summer. This reaffirms my hope in humanity. Hayley takes a break at the end of the month to go to Houston for a week, so everyone plus the sullen slacker, head to Cancun for a little R&R. I am thinking that I love Cancun and could spend the rest of my life there, but then tropical storm Dolly moves in before it turns into a hurricane to ravish South Padre Island. We had a couple of good days, but pretty much the rest of the time there, I spent in the hotel room watching the palm trees bend over backwards. We also spent hours walking around a giant three-story mall. We rode the bus downtown and it NEVER stopped raining. Those buses were almost floating. When you got out of the bus, there was no choice but to get your feet wet. The food is awful in Cancun (not to mention overpriced), but the beaches are lovely. Everywhere you go there now is pretty much a tourist trap which is a shame because several years ago it wasn’t so bad. Junior, king of the mall, absolutely loved it. He had a picture taken with a monkey on his head., then later with two parrots fighting on his head. Maybe I’ll send him back to Cancun ALONE someday.

Time to buy school supplies…..hope springs eternal. Junior and Hayley spend their last few days with Andrea at the water park. I stay at home and try to water my dead grass with the water hose. Hayley wanted to shop for school clothes, while Junior preferred making fresh squeezed orange juice. I am irritated with Junior for not practicing his guitar, so I pulled him out of lessons and took his place. I always wanted to be Sheryl Crow, or actually Madonna, but without all the bondage stuff. I decided to learn to play “Stairway to Heaven.”

School and football. Who could ask for anything more? Life is relatively good for Junior as “World at War!!” comes out for Playstation 3. I am thinking I may be at war with one of my neighbors who continually parks on the street next to my side of the curb. This, gentle readers, hinders my trash pickup and also deprives me of the joy of running my grass edger in that spot (provided I actually had grass, of course).
September was a critical time. Just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, Sarah Palin steps up to run the country. I thought it might be an early Halloween prank, but no, as it turns out she is quite real and quite serious. “Gidget Git Your Gun! The Darn Moose are in the Lettuce AGAIN!!!!” This scared me right out of my apathy. In other news, it really hasn’t been too bad this year as the other neighbors across the street haven’t made any lewd gestures towards us for months (the one involving not waving with all fingers). P.S. I can’t play Stairway to Heaven, but I can play part of “Amazing Grace” (sorry Madonna).

What is it about pre-teen boys that they can’t understand the following sentence?
You can scare all the kids except the really little ones like the babies and toddlers.”
So they put on their black hoods, got their hatchets and plastic chain saws and jumped out of the bushes. I could hear babies screaming for miles. The school costume thing went much better though, Junior was a banana.
I tried playing Van Morrison’s Brown Eyed Girl on the guitar. It sounds nothing like Van Morrison.
Twilight” came out in theaters. What is this? Have you all been under a rock lately? Well let me tell you, it is the first installment of a horror/love series. It is sort of a combination of Harry Potter meets Anne Rice. Kids, adults, teens, everybody is insane for this story. You have an ordinary teenage girl who falls in love with a teenage vampire (oh he’s been 17 for 100 years or so). But this vampire, Edward, and his family are cool, they are “vegetarians” meaning they only drink animal blood. To top off Edward’s immortality, super strength, etc., he also has a killer sports car, designer shades, a mansion, and just everything that a vampire or teenager would think important. Not only that, but lots of things have changed with vampires from the old days. The new vampires can be out in the sun, they don’t wither, in fact, they sparkle. The fifth book in the series that the movies are based on promises even more liberty with vampirism. In fact, word has it that the last installment will be based upon a “Midsummer’ Night’s Dream.” Sort of Titania with fangs. That might work in today’s world; all in all, I think a very interesting story line.
Much more disturbing is real life (isn’t that usually the case?) where people BELIEVE they are vampires. Plus there are many different types of “real” vampires these days. They just aren’t after a nice bloody Mary, no some of them are “psychic vampires” and these are perhaps the most dangerous of all. I believe I have met people, especially teenagers, who have been zapped by these psychic vampires. Let me tell you, those creatures don’t leave much of their victim’s brain power behind. Hence all the empty stares out there.

Boy I’m glad that the election is over. I was a CNN/MSNBC/FOX news addict for months. That was exhausting. I completely lost track of Britney (almost), she is due a comeback this month. I knew that would happen. Brit was down, but she was never out, take that Christina Aguilera! My latest celebrity watch focus in on little Suri Cruise. I, like millions of other Americans, watch with baited breath to see which coats little Suri will choose for her chilly New York park outings. My cat kids, a.k.a., “the girls” are doing well. I flirted with the idea of putting little Santa hats on them and taking a picture. A big problem when working with cats, gentle readers, is that they don’t always LIKE each other. This can be a very important point. It is so hard to get little hats on them when they do that thing where they paste their ears flat on their little heads.

I read a disturbing news article whereby soap operas are declining in popularity and they may leave the air. Why oh why? I have one little bit of recreation and that is watching Days of Our Lives at lunch which I have done for years. Now they want to take it away. What are we going to replace it with reality TV? – people trying to lose weight, rehabilitate, get off a lost island, or be a model? Don’t we have enough of that garbage?
The English teacher assigned a poetry writing gig, and the “boys” (see the preteens above) have to do this. I feel it is my civic duty to steer them in the right direction since I am among the literary inclined. This, gentle readers, is a difficult task. Try asking a boy if they know who John Keats was and they start their answer with, “Was he that dude who…..” Stop right there. John Keats, a dude? The man who gave voice to the nightingale? Oh I don’t think so.

I gave all this up, and decided I need to paint an accent wall. An accent wall means that you take one side of a room, generally a wall, and paint it a different color. Preferably a color that will contrast or blend with current said room.

It’s holiday season once again. This time, let’s just say NO to Randy Travis singing Christmas tunes and yes to Dean Martin. Trust me on this. In the spotlight, the bad news just keeps coming. Gloom and Doom. It seems the entire country is going bankrupt. I have decided if I end up homeless that I am going to Beverly Hills and live in a park. Why, one might ask? First of all it should be warm there (or maybe warmer); secondly as I understand, sometimes celebrities will give nice handouts, or odd jobs. So I might get a job making Paris Hilton’s breakfast, “here’s your tofu pancakes Paris dear.” Or maybe be gainfully employed bathing Britney’s dogs, or hanging Christina Aguilera’s clothes up. The possibilities are endless here. The bad news this month is that Oprah has gained her weight back. I might be able to help her with that by becoming her personal shopper. “What, nothing but raw carrots in the house?” “Yes Oprah, you’ll thank me later” (if she doesn’t find the triple chocolate fudge under my sleeping bag in the park).

Life is good, both Hayley and Edith the rat are coming to our house for Xmas. Edith lives in the science lab, and she is assigned to the sixth graders to care for. It is cold again; in fact, it is supposed to be 12 degrees this weekend. Unbelievable. The number 12 in Texas should be a shoe six and NOT a temperature. I’m longing for those dog days of summer. Meanwhile Caroline Kennedy is interested in becoming the Senator of New York, and so is Fran the Nanny. Everyone is squawking that Caroline is “unqualified” – well good grief! We were about to let a deer hunting, lipstick wearing, snowboarding, clueless dynamo lead our entire country, and we can’t elect Caroline to cut some ribbons and attend luncheons? Or for that matter we elected Ronald Reagan for president, but we can’t let the Nanny have a crack at carrying a briefcase around?

Hayley and Tristan came for Christmas. We had planned to make a gingerbread house from a kit. The problem was, gentle readers, the darn thing wouldn’t stick together like the instructions SAID it would. I knew I should have put some super glue in that icing. “Don’t eat too much of that, kids.” So we had to settle for “gingerbread walls” instead of the house. This wasn’t bad, it turned out quite well, they got to decorate with gum drops and such. Tristan sang his Xmas song “The weather outside is frightful, but inside is so DELIGHTFUL.” He also told me that Andrea’s friend’s schnauzer was “creepy.”
Meanwhile I have nixed the accent wall idea. What’s wrong with white anyway? My latest guitar conquest is “Silent Night.” Where is that Stairway to Heaven?

Well, this about wraps up the highlights of 2008. Who said I had a dull life, this is pretty fascinating stuff! Remember, you can put lipstick on a bad economy…..and it’s still a BAD economy. Take care everyone and have a wonderful new year!

Clap for the Wolfman

It was Werewolf weather yesterday, misty rain and cloudy. Seriously, if we had moors instead of mesquites, it could happen. Why do I think this? Two words: Monster Quest. Thankfully we have TV shows like Monster Quest to show all of us unsuspecting citizens what is lurking out there in forests, bayous, parking garages and pizza joints. Every now and then, people like to make fun of this, people like Guys With Nothing Better To Do. These guys just happened to have a little time on their hands when they thought about their friend Zed. Zed was a consummate outdoors-man which means something like an outdoors-man on steroids times three. He had cameras, lots of them, everywhere, all set up on his land. Why is this, you ask? Well unlike myself, who is perfectly content running around the house at night in my slightly flattened leopard slippers, re stacking my dirty laundry and searching for the perfect pink nail polish to wear in this dreary spring weather, Zed wants to know what is Out There.

So These Guys were at Zed's one day when they noted the position of all these cameras. They had an idea...and Posthaste! (which is another valuable word to have in your vocabulary arsenal, along with Thwart...) They decided to go home and set about crafting a costume for a Big Wolf Fellow (Wolf Fellar, if you are a southerner, which I am, but with good grammar).

In a matter of days, they had a perfect outfit ready to go...they had resurrected none other than the dreaded Big Foot. One of the guys donned the garb and went out (well before dark, just in case there really was A Creature in the woods). Knowing the camera angles, the intrepid Big Foot managed several threatening key poses. He walked a few feet and put his big hand-paws in the air and...Sha Click...a few more strategic poses.... Sha Click, Sha Click, Sha Click. The photogenic monster left some amazing footprints and Voila!.... a mystery was born. The next day, Zed checked his cameras and Holy Cow!! “Connie, look at this!” he said to his wife. He had to go check for tracks, and he made his wife go with him. I don't know why, maybe because she had just joined Fit Zone and was lifting weights...quite a bit of weight. Then the news spread like wildfire. Bigfoot had been spotted in Seyville, Texas! The Guys went out to Zed's and he was beside himself.

“I gotta call Monster Quest. I gotta call them now!”
“Wait a minute Zed, let's check the footprints.”
“I've done it already, already got a cast of them.”

Zed grabbed his phone again. Lee looked at him.
“Zed, put the phone down, you don't need to call Monster Quest, I need to tell you something...”

So that's how this latest brush with Monsters, Including Werewolves, and Such Other Hairy and Potentially Dangerous Creatures has ended...or has it? Who knows what is lurking out behind the mesquite trees on a night illuminated by a full moon, a night full of the sounds of mystery....